Bluebird's Eye-view

Bluebird's Eye-view

Bluebird's Eye-view

By Eunseo Hyun

Can the images scattered on Twitter really represent a personality? If so, to what degree? The act of creating a variable-self under the mask of anonymity is itself like recording one's tracks in online space. In the Bluebird's Eye-view, the viewer goes through Eunseo Hyun's variable identities consisting of image fragments. The multifaceted nature of her is revealed by the images accumulated on Twitter over the years, and even in virtual space, the act of separating public and private places and revealing only her parts and parts is loosely made up of her. Sporadic scattering of words and images actually accumulated underneath the surface, and lead us to the constantly changing identities.



The initial aim was to emphasize the characteristic of Twitter, which stores all of the data on the server unless the user deletes it. Besides, the interface seems like all of the data is flowing away as time goes by, but all of them are stored beneath it.

Can data fragments with multiple egos really represent me in the Internet world?


[1] Aaron Z. Lewis (2020) Being Your Selves: Identitiy R&D on the Pseudonymous Internet. Available from (accessed 25 May 2021)

[2] Mioon (2009) 관객의 방백. Available from (accessed 25 May 2021)

[3] Yaloo (2020) Homo Paulienella, Photosynthesizing Post Human Scenario. Available from (accessed 25 May 2021)



Image waste was extracted from personal Twitter accounts

Twitter personal data download tool.
Twitter personal data download tool.
[Twitter personal image data since 2017]
[Twitter personal image data since 2017]
Downloaded twitter personal images since 2017
Downloaded twitter personal images since 2017

Prototypes & Experiments

The images I post on each Twitter account are not that weird and so random as I thought. I only reveal my face in one account, but in the rest of the accounts, I only post pictures of everyday pictures, landscapes, or other people's faces (celebrities). So unless my selfies are revealed, people can't tell what I look like just by looking at the pictures I post.

I was trying to convey the character of Twitter that scattering of words and images actually accumulated underneath the surface, in a form of a "loop". Hence, I am making an external video installation representing my public ego and a VR video representing my private(personal) ego. In the background, the images which I've uploaded on Twitter are floating around in a form of a loop.



I was trying to convey the character of Twitter that scattering of words and images actually accumulated underneath the surface, in a form of a "loop". Hence, I am making an external video installation representing my public ego and a VR video representing my private(personal) ego. In the background, the images which I've uploaded on Twitter are floating around in a form of a loop.